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College Track
Spring Is College Crunch Time For Seniors

Spring Is College Crunch Time For Seniors

By Jean Burk Author of
College Prep Genius:
The No Brainer Way to SAT Success

It's spring and if you are one of those procrastinators who have run out of time when it comes to college prep, take heart. There is hope for seniors and their families who have waited until the last minute to start thinking about higher education. Many colleges (not wanting early decision) have deadlines for application as late as April. Here are some tips that can lessen the worry and help you get back on track.

  1. Students will need to take the SAT for college entrance. (There is one on May 1, 2010 and June 5, 2010.) Students should improve each time, so I recommend they take both tests if possible. (There are no penalties for taking the SAT more than a couple of times and some schools will even take the highest scores in each section from different tests.)

    Remember, there are deadlines and late fees, so you will need to sign-up early. It's never too late to learn how to take the test, so find a prep class that can show you how to decipher the questions and answer them logically. (High SAT Score Open Doors)

  2. Polish up your transcripts. Colleges love to give scholarships to students who are well rounded. Those who not only have a good SAT score, but also have a transcript that reflects their commitment to public service. It is one that displays their volunteer work, their leadership skills and any awards received. This demonstrates to the school that the student has been an asset to their community, which in turn exhibits a willingness to become involved on their campus. Brainstorm what you have participated in. Be sure and write everything down, even if it was a one-time service.

    Some community service ideas are Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Library aid, tutoring another student, painting houses for the elderly, candy-striper, etc. Club involvement could include 4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and YMCA. Awards could include honor societies, Who's Who, piano, dance or sports achievements. And don't forget, if you have held a part-time job, it is always a plus on their transcript.

  3. Schedule an interview with the college of your choice. Take a weekend to visit and meet with the Dean of the department you are interested in. Go in prepared. This is your time to SELL yourself to them, (especially for scholarships that might be available).

    Be honest, dress appropriately, be on time and shake their hand. Come with an arsenal of information: your transcript, letters of recommendation, extra curricular information. Always practice with a mock interview by using possible questions that the interviewer might ask you.

As you can see, even if you are a last-minute person, there is still hope. Going to college will have enough challenges, so start to minimize as much stress as possible. Don't waste any more time. That said; do try to take time to enjoy the fact that you've just conquered high school.

Meet Jean Burk

About Author Jean Burk

Jean Burk is the author of "College Prep Genius: The No Brainer Way to SAT Success." She has written numerous articles about the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT. She has been featured as an SAT expert on Good Day Dallas (Fox 4) and KXAS (NBC 5). She currently travels and speaks about the importance of college preparation, and teaches her "Master the SAT" Prep Class all over Texas.

Both her children received incredible scholarships because of their PSAT and SAT scores. Her teaching DVD will be released in the Spring of 2008, as well as the first edition of the brand new VocabCafé Book Series intended to help teenagers and younger children increase their knowledge of vocabulary words.

College Track Articles