California Homeschool Legal Challenge
Homefires Legal News
Here are the latest news stories provided by sources other than Homefires to help
you stay up-to-date on this important case that challenges the legality of homeschooling
in California.
California Court Rules Homeschooling Illegal
Thousands of homeschoolers in California are left in legal limbo by an appeals court ruling that homeschooling is not a legal option.
"If the opinion is followed, then California will have the most regressive law in the nation and homeschooling will be effectively banned, because the only legal way to homeschool will be for the parent to hold a teaching certificate. Parents should not have to attend a four-year college education program just to teach their own children."
by Hilary White
Time to leave California schools and their 'coming out' party
As one group attempts to use California public schools as laboratories to assist children in "coming out" with their nontraditional sexual orientation...
Another is urging parents to come out from these schools and educate their children with their values at home or in private schools. Last Sunday, a group called "Exodus Mandate" began placing literature in scores of Southern California church lobbies.
by Cal Thomas
Ideology, Totalitarianism, and the Public Schools
An order by the 2nd Appellate Court in Los Angeles that Philip Long and his wife must cease home-schooling their children has raised serious concerns among California home-schooling families.
The Court seems to have forgotten that California permits students to be instructed by properly-credentialed tutors (which could in theory be family members). It is not clear how having a single tutor provides the kind of interaction outside the family or the broader world envisioned by the court.
by Dr. Jeff Mirus
California Appeals Court orders homeschooled children into public or private school
A California appeals court has ruled that the children of a homeschooled family must be enrolled in a public school or a "legally qualified" private school.
The Long family had their children enrolled with Sunland Christian School which according to their website claims to be an accredited homeschooling program. But the appellate judges ruled that the Long family failed to demonstrate "that mother has a teaching credential.
In re Rachel L.
Video -- Case Summary: Parents do not have a constitutional right to home school their children.
The ruse of "Enrollment" in a private school that functions by allowing children to stay at home and be taught by non-credentialed parents does not constitute instruction in a private full-time day school within the exception to California's compulsory public school education law.
Homefires will continue to monitor this situation and provide updates. For a
complete chronological list of updates to this case click here.