The Homeschool Glossary
Do You Speak Homeschool?
Introducing The Homeschool Glossary
A Directory of Homeschool Terminology for the Totally Confused
The first time I ever attended a homeschool meeting, the hostess held up a
large black binder with the words "Homeschool: Proprietary Information"
stenciled across it. Reading from that book as if it was a sacred scripture,
she seemed to speak in tongues as she cited a string of California Education
Codes that included 33190, 48224, and 51745. She mentioned people whose names
I had never heard of -- pioneers of the modern homeschool movement -- like
John Holt, Dorothy and Raymond Moore, Mark and Helen Hegener, and David and
Micki Colfax. She mumbled strange acronyms like DOE, CTA, HSLDA, and CHSPE.
I left that meeting completely confused and overwhelmed. My head ached trying
to make sense of terminology that sounded like gibberish but held the key to
homeschooling my children legally and successfully. It was months before I
sorted it all out and began to understand the language that homeschool parents
They say the easiest way to learn a new language is through total immersion.
Maybe so, but I think it would be a lot easier to learn to speak "Homeschool"
with a Homeschool-to-English dictionary. I know I could've used one at park days
to translate what the moms were saying. With that in mind, I've come up with a
glossary of homeschool terminology that I hope will help beginners learn to speak
If you can think of other terms or names of organizations and people who should
be included please let me know. Together, we can build a comprehensive, interactive
Homeschool Glossary.
Did we leave something out? Submit your Homeschool term to the Homeschool Glossary.
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