Homefires Holiday Bundles!

Just in time...

Homefires Holiday Bundles!

The holidays are right around the corner, and at Homefires.com we're dedicated to providing you with the resources you need to begin 2011 with confidence.

We've put together three packages tailored to the needs of parents, teens, preschoolers, and students of all ages.

If you have a teenager at home, you'll be certain to want
Unschool Your Teen by Diane Flynn Keith.
Designed with parents and teens in mind, you'll have all the information you need to bypass high school and standardized curriculum and still get into the college of your choice and have the career of your dreams!

Unschool Your Teen Audio-Seminar and Resource Guide!

Unschool Your Teen Hardcopy
(includes binder and 5 audio cd's) presale price: $117.00

Unschool Your Teen Audio-Seminar and Resource Guide!

Unschool Your Teen e-Version
(includes PDF and MP3's) launch price: $67.00

And as a special gift for the holidays, you'll receive a PDF of Diane Flynn Keith's Homeschool Glossary. It's a 46-page document chock-full of information and resources to demystify homeschooling. This special offer is valid now until December 24th.

Get yours today!

To learn more about Unschool Your Teen, click here.
But be sure to return to THIS PAGE to place your order
so that you'll get the PDF of the Homeschool Glossary.

Homefires Holiday Bundles!

You asked and we listened.
For the first time ever Homefires.com is
featuring a Carschooling Holiday Package including:

Homefires Carschooling Holiday Package!
  • An autographed copy of Carschooling, by Diane Flynn Keith
  • A One-Year Subscription to Boomerang!
  • An MP3 of Diane Flynn Keith's teleconference "Carschooling: Turn Travel Time Into Learning Time" complete with a Resource Directory in PDF format
  • And a Toy Magnifying Glass (while supplies last)
Homefires Carschooling Holiday Package!

(Not pictured Carschooling Teleconference MP3)

This package is ideal for any parent with children ages 6-14. It is loaded with over 350 entertaining games and activities that will turn travel time into learning time!

For more information about Carschooling click here
For more information about the teleconference, "Carschooling: Turn Travel Time Into Learning Time" click here

You will receive all this for the limited-time
holiday price of $111.89!

But don't wait, this holiday special is only good through December 31, 2010.

And if you purchase this item by December 24th, you'll also receive Diane Flynn Keith's Homeschool Glossary as a bonus gift! It's a 46-page document filled with useful terms and resources to help new and seasoned homeschool parents alike.

Homefires Holiday Bundles!
Homefires Holiday Bundles!

If you're feeling eco-conscious this holiday season,
check out our new
Green Preschool Package.

It's filled with a year's worth of exciting learning activities that will engage your 2 to 5 year old.

This exciting e-product features:

  • An eBook of Universal Preschool's Learning Calendar
  • An eBook of Learning with Little Lulu Lemon! by Gigi Gaggero and Diane Flynn Keith
  • An MP3 of Diane Flynn Keith's teleconference "Homeschool Your Preschooler" complete with a Resource Directory in PDF format
Homefires Preschool Holiday Bundle!

(Not pictured Homeschool Your Preschooler Teleconference MP3)

For more information on Universal Preschool's Learning Calendar click here
For more information on Learning with Little Lulu Lemon! click here
For more information about the teleconference, "Homeschool Your Preschooler" click here

All for the special holiday price of $47.00!

This holiday special is only good through December 31, 2010, and if you purchase this item by December 24th, you'll also receive Diane Flynn Keith's Homeschool Glossary as a bonus gift! It's a 46-page document filled with useful terms and information to help new and seasoned homeschool parents alike.

Homefires Holiday Bundles!

"Finally, a Step-By-Step Program for How to Successfully Homeschool Your Children in California!"

If you're debating whether to homeschool your child, are new to homeschooling, or want to brush up on the basics with a real-life homeschool mentor, then Homeschooling—California Style! is right for you!

Homeschooling — California Style!

You can start your homeschool journey or improve it with Homeschooling — California Style today. This comprehensive course includes the manual with resource guide along with the instructive and informative CDs and is valued at $177.

Get your copy today for the special
Launch Price of only $117—that's a $60 savings!

And if you purchase this item by December 24th you'll also receive Diane Flynn Keith's Homeschool Glossary as a bonus gift! It's a 46-page document filled with useful terms and information to help new and seasoned homeschool parents alike.

To learn more about Homeschooling—California Style!, click here.
But be sure to return to THIS PAGE to place your order
so that you'll get the PDF of the Homeschool Glossary.

Homefires Holiday Bundles!

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