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Santa Clara County Homeschool Support Group & Private PSP or ISP Directory

Santa Clara County Homeschool Support Groups & PSP's

The most important thing for homeschool success is to surround yourself with like-minded people who share information and resources, answer your questions, and ease your concerns. Your local Homeschool Support Group is where you can get connected with other homeschooling families. To find a Homeschool Support Group near you, simply click on the county where you reside from the list below.


This directory is divided into two sections. The first section lists Homeschool Support Groups, and the second section lists Private School Satellite Programs or PSPs (formerly called "ISPs").

What's the difference?

In general, Homeschool Support Groups are gatherings of homeschool families who get together for park days and may also organize some field trips and co-op classes. (Some of these groups require a small membership fee, most do not.)

PSPs are small private schools. Homeschool families enroll (paying a tuition fee) to receive administrative support; such as record keeping, transcripts and testing.

We provide listings for Support Groups for free. We charge a small fee to list PSPs.

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Your Homeschool Support Group

Santa Clara County Directory
of Homeschool Support Groups

  • All Ways Learning - A non-sectarian, inclusive support group for Silicon Valley homeschoolers. Park Days are at a different park each month, call for dates/times. Contact information: Email Denise Osterback or call (408) 268-6858, or Email Lin Barchie or call (408) 249-9131.

  • AWL Little Digits - We are a play group for homeschooled children between the ages of 0-6. We meet each Wednesday from 10:00-12:00 at different parks in and around San Jose. Each week, one parent brings a craft for the children to do. Please click on our Yahoo group webpage and request to join the Yahoo group for more information on park locations.

  • AWL Single Digits - We are a play group for homeschooled children aged 7-12. We meet on Wednesdays at parks in and around San Jose at the same time and place as AWL Little Digits, for kids aged 0-6. Contact information: Email Krissy Tran.

  • Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers [BACH] - Created to support both private and public/charter Christian home educators in Santa Clara County. BACH provides a yahoogroup, weekly Sports Day in Sunnyvale, monthly Mothers and Mentors (M&M) fellowship meetings, and an annual Science and Art Fair. Our purpose is to support, encourage, and mentor one another in our shared conviction that Jesus Christ should have first place in our lives and our homes. Contact information: Email Paige Burgess.

  • Bay Area Homeschool Field Trips [BAHFT] - An e-mail group for homeschoolers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Get information on field trips, classes, and events of interest to homeschoolers. Any member may organize trips, and post events sponsored by other groups.

  • Bay Area Multi-Cultural Homeschool Educators [BAM-HE] - This group exists to provide support and resources to families of color who homeschool in the Bay Area. Provides multicultural-rich information, resources, curricula, field trips, learning opportunities, park/play days in both the East Bay and South Bay and other things of interest. BAM-HE through the website.

  • Families for Him - Serving Fremont, Milpitas and surrounding areas. We are open to any members! Most of us are Christian, but not all. We welcome anyone and everyone! We have great Mom's night outs, fun, monthly park days, field trips and lots of encouragement and support. We also have a monthly Girls Club! Free to join!

  • Mid-Peninsula Homeschoolers - Serving San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, meeting for fun, friendship, support, networking, and information gathering every Wednesday at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto. Contact information: Email Rita or call (650) 365-2070.

  • Milpitas Homeschool Support - Inclusive group for homeschool families living in Milpitas, Berryessa district of San Jose, or Warm Springs area of Fremont. Park days Wednesdays at Cataldi Park in San Jose, late mornings during daylight savings, afternoons in standard time. Contact information: Email for Information, or Email to Join Group.

  • Morgan Hill Homeschoolers - This is a secular homeschooling group for those living in or around Morgan Hill, CA with children elementary school age. Let's get together for our kids (and us!) to make friends and have fun! Contact information: Email Kristina .

  • New Friends Homeschool Group [NFH] - This group is for homeschoolers, anyone planning to homeschool, or even thinking about homeschooling. We meet for park days on Fridays in North San Jose as a means for parents and kids to socialize. We welcome everyone, no matter what age your child or children are. Contact information: Email Maureen Sifuentes or call (408) 667-7752.

  • Parents Helping Parents [PHP] - This group is open to those who are homeschooling or considering homeschooling their autism spectrum children. Weekly discussions with occasional guest speakers, on topics such as curriculum sharing, integrating therapies, etc. We meet at the non-profit Parents Helping Parents in San Jose, on the third Saturday of the month, from 10-12 pm. Attendance is free for Parents Helping Parents members, and $5 for non-members, and PHP offers scholarships to those in need. Contact information: Email Christen McCann or call (510) 593-6133.

  • Regina Pacis Catholic Homeschooling Support Group - Our group meets every Wednesday at Our Lady of Peach Church in Santa Clara. We have a teen group, Boys and Girls Clubs and a sports program. This group also meets on First Fridays at Our Lady of Peace. Contact information: Email Laurel Moran or call (650) 969-6656.

  • San Francisco Bay Unschooling Network [SFBUN] - SFBUN's mission is to create and support an unschooling community in the San Francisco Bay Area. All ages are welcome. SFBUN meets for a variety of indoor and outdoor events, video gaming, and other fun outings.

  • SELAH Homeschool Support Group [S.E.L.A.H.] - A non-denominational support group for Christian homeschooling families. We offer encouragement and instruction for parents and children, learning and social activities, service projects and resource information. We are organized into a network of home-groups in the South Bay. Contact information: Email Information.

  • South Bay FREE Scholars [SBFS] - An inclusive homeschooling group that meets Tuesday afternoons at parks in the South Bay area: San Jose, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, Cupertino, and Campbell. Although we sometimes have activities outside of park day, our primary focus is to provide a safe place for our children to interact with each other. Our group has little formal structure. However, group members sometimes set up outside activities in addition to Park Day. Contact information: Call Janine Cate at (408) 243-7121, or Email Catherine Gordon.

  • South Bay Homeschool Teens [SBHTeens] - Our group is purely social and all inclusive for homeschool teens (12+) from the Bay Area and surrounding areas. Our goal is to help HS teens meet other HS teens from various geographic locations and educational philosophies with the hope to share interests and social events. The group is for and run by the teens! Contact information: Email Rhonda Ressel, or Email Sarah Mitchell.

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Your Private School Satellite Program (PSP)

Santa Clara County Directory
of Private School Satellite Programs (PSPs)

Do you have a Private School Satellite Program? You can have it listed here as a resource for homeschool parents. Just submit your listing (and the small fee) per the instructions. We look forward to telling homeschool parents about your school.

At this time there are no listings for Santa Clara County.

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Your Businesses & Services

Santa Clara County Directory
of Businesses & Services

Do you have a Business or Service? You can have it listed here as a resource for homeschool parents. Just submit your listing (and the small fee) per the instructions. We look forward to telling homeschool parents about your products and/or services.

At this time there are no listings for Santa Clara County.

San Francisco Bay Homes - Cliff Keith and Team

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